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    When is Tot Spot open?

    Tot Spot is open Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays from 10am until 12pm. We remain open for the following holidays: Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Christmas Eve, Martin Luther King Jr Day, and Presidents Day.

    Is Tot Spot open when schools are closed for snow days?

    This is decided on a case by case basis, depending on whether we have sufficient member volunteers to open, close, and use the space under the circumstances. Many of our members live within walking distance and often offer to cover these shifts, even if the original volunteers are not able due to weather conditions. (We encourage our members to prioritize their safety, even if it means missing a shift.)

    Are there age limits for tots?

    Tot Spot welcomes all tots ages 0 through 6 years. Our members include infants who are not yet walking, toddlers, tots in part-time preschool, and tots in full-time school (who visit on holiday breaks). Children turning 6 on or after September 1st will be eligible for the current season.

    Tot Spot is located at a church. Is it a religious group?

    No. Tot Spot is a secular group with no religious affiliations. The James Street Mennonite Church generously provides their gymnasium to us for a reasonable fee. We welcome members of all or no religious practices.

    How much does it cost?

    Tot Spot uses a pay-what-you-can membership dues model. This allows families to contribute at the financial level that aligns with the value they place on their co-op membership as well as their budget. Suggested levels range from $50/season to $500/season. We are committed to making Totspot financially accessible to all. Financial assistance (complimentary membership) is available to anyone who needs it.

    I read Tot Spot is a cooperative (co-op). What does that mean?

    We are operated BY our community members FOR our community members. We rely on member dues in conjunction with member labor to keep Tot Spot running and affordable for all. We don’t have any paid staff, and our board members are all co-op members and volunteers. Our community members manage daily setup, breakdown, and other activities that make Tot Spot a vibrant community space, like leading special activities (e.g. storytimes, games, or crafts), providing snacks, or helping us promote the co-op.

    Where do my dues go?

    100% of member dues are used to cover Tot Spot operational costs, including rent, cleaning supplies, website hosting, marketing materials, new toys and craft materials, and special event costs. We have no paid personnel.

    How much and how often are members expected to volunteer?

    Like our pay-what-you-can dues model, we have shifted to a volunteer-what-you-can model. If every family volunteered for two shifts per month, we would be in great shape. Many families choose to volunteer for even more, once they realize how good it feels to be an engaged co-op community member. We also realize not everyone is able to contribute their time or physical energy. If this describes you, please let us know when you sign up or reach out directly at any time.

    Volunteer shifts are typically around 30-60 minutes, depending on the type. Setup and breakdown of the play space may take 30 minutes or less. Or you may offer to lead an hour-long creative activity or game. Preparing a snack to bring is as quick or involved as you choose, on your own schedule. We understand personal capacity may fluctuate from month to month, and we support your needs to contribute your time at the level that makes sense for you and your family.

    What are the specific volunteer duties?

    Below are descriptions of the various volunteer duties. Openers and closers are essential to Tot Spot operations and should be given priority when self-scheduling, whenever possible.

    Do you have a service to offer that isn’t on this list (toy repair, fundraising, web design, FB marketplace toy scout)? Get in touch with our Volunteer Coordinator, Becky Chalupa, at lancastertotspot@gmail.com to discuss! We encourage our members to contribute in ways that feel meaningful to them.

    Essential (to be filled for each day Tot Spot is open):

    Additional opportunities:

    How do I sign up to volunteer?

    Members will receive a monthly email with a link to self-register for the duties that match their schedule and interests.

    Can I try it out before joining?

    Yes! Please enjoy a week-long free trial on us! Anyone can come and experience the space and meet the community members before committing. If it feels like a good fit for your family, we will help you take the next steps for registration.

    Who can be on a Tot Spot membership?

    A membership is awarded to a household including up to 4 adults (i.e. spouse, grandparents, or other designated caregivers) and up to 5 total children (family members or other children who are under the supervision of the membership-holding adult). Children must be within the age range of newborn to 6 years old.

    What types of activities will tots have access to?

    It is always the desire of the Tot Spot community to provide a diverse range of opportunities to the tots who visit the play gym during any given season. There are a variety of rotating toys and play areas within the weekly set up that give tots space to exercise both fine and gross motor skills as well as imaginative play. We are operated by our community members for our community members, therefore additional activities will vary season to season based on the resources and willingness of current members to lead activities.

    Examples of typical rotating toys:

    Examples of typical activities:

    Do I have to stay with my tot, or can I drop them off?

    Tots must be accompanied by a caretaker for the full duration of their visit. Tot Spot provides the space, opportunity, and community for play but does not provide tot supervision. Caretakers may play with their tot or hang out on the sidelines – whatever feels best for you.

    Are snacks provided?

    Snacks may occasionally be provided for special events or if a member has volunteered to bring a snack to share. However, caretakers are responsible for providing their own snacks and beverages. Food is not permitted inside the gymnasium but may be enjoyed in the atrium outside the gymnasium.